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  • Welcome to visit Ruijiu Electrical   
    Yancheng Ruijiu Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.
    F24-6S TELECRANE Industrial remote control

    F24-6S Taiwan TELECRANE six-way remote control crane, Taiwan TELECRANE original authentic! 
    The transmitter (handheld) Size: 18.6x6.1x5.1 cm Weight: about 255 g Receiver dimensions: 20x16.2x10.7 cm Weight: 1220 g a. Technical parameters Country of Origin: Taiwan; 
    Control distance: up to 100 meters Security Code: 4300000000 kinds of factory and never repeat Hamming:> 4 
    Temperature: -35 degrees to +80 degrees (without regard to battery temperature) 
    Protection: IP65 
    Transmitter Power: tributary 3V (2 alkaline AA batteries) 
    Receiver Power Supply: AC 220V/380V selectable, or AC and DC 12V 
    Two. Specifications: 
    Function 6 Single-speed emergency switch button +1 +1 + a power button turn the key; 
    Control up to 8 points, each point up to three control methods; 
    With battery voltage warning device, in low voltage own circuit. 
    Special features internal functions by computer interface setting, for example: boot mode and key way; 
    Up / down, east / west, north / south can be set to flick jump, general and other functions, and whether to suppress each other; 
    Structure: three glass fiber reinforced plastic. Standard configuration 
    1. A transmitter 
    2 receiver a 
    3 The receiver comes with connection cable 1 m 
    4 Operation and Maintenance Manual 1 
    5 launcher transparent protective cover 1


    Four. Scope 
    For single hook, Single-speed lane, single hook, Single-speed crane; controlled eight contacts following industrial equipment.

    Receivers Pictures, receiver picture:

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